Public Arts Health & Us (PAHUS)
Bridging Artists, Academics & Audiences for a Common Communication Language
The Early Years – A Window of Opportunity - Global Art & Science Exhibition and Webinar which launched on the 26th March 2021 (with a physical exhibition in India tbc), with further aims to roll out this project across other countries.
The Early Years showcases selected artwork and text from the Birthing a Better Future Art & Science Exhibition alongside photographs from the PANChSHEEEL Project, India. This virtual exhibition formed part of our multimedia launch, including artwork collected from Indian rural and urban artists, film screenings, poetry and a webinar panel discussion comprising distinguished policymakers, researchers, and artists committed to Child, Maternal and Family Health. Our combined projects emphasise why babies’ physical, cognitive and emotional health & wellbeing REALLY matters!
The Early Years exhibition is part of an ongoing initiative to encourage the use of the Arts & Film for Public Health engagement. To find out more about the projects, please visit:
PAHUS: https:
Zero2 Expo: