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Co-POWeR: Consortium on Practices of Well-being and Resilience in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Families and Communities is an 18-month project funded by UKRI/ESRC, to investigate the combined impact of two viruses – COVID-19 and racial discrimination on Black Asian and Minority ethnic families and communities, who have been hardest hit by the pandemic 

The consortium made up of nine UK universities has examined the social, cultural and economic consequences of the viruses on the everyday lives of ethnic minorities through first-hand narratives, and how they impacted on people’s physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. 

Co-POWeR Project: PHOtobook Exhibiton 


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Co-POWeR Logo 3000x3000 px_white 3_edited_edited.jpg

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Media & Blogs: "How I work with Co-POWeR to communicate research using photographs"

Everything on this site is copyrighted unless otherwise noted.Copyright Law protects the Project & Artists Copyright in their original artworks.No reproduction may be made of any of the artworks from this website for commercial use.

                              Co-POWeR Project Partners                             

Funded by:

ESRC logo.png
Logo NIHR.png

For project details please contact project PI Prof.Anna Gupta:

Logo Uni Leeds black-transparent background.jpg
UCL Logo.png
Logo Uni East London.jpg
Royal Holloway University of London.jpeg
Logo Uni Sussex.png
Logo Uni South Wales.png
Logo Uni Warwick.png
Logo Uni Southampton.jpg

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