Public Arts Health & Us (PAHUS)
Bridging Artists, Academics & Audiences for a Common Communication Language
The Institute of Child Health,
University College London (UCL)
& DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance (India Alliance)
Partnership Initiative
Project PI: Prof Monica Lakhanpaul | @ProfLakhanpaul
Project Co-Lead: Dr Kartik Sharma
Powered by: PAHUS |

About the Early Years Project
The first 1000 days of a child’s life, starting from conception, offers a critical window of opportunity to safeguard babies from adversity, preventing a domino effect of problems throughout the life-course. Positive early connections last a lifetime, and are vital in creating successful, happy and healthy adults.
In fact, globally, pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period are linked regardless of nationality and so it’s really important we acknowledge and prioritise these, non-mutually exclusive, universal challenges, not just in the UK but around the world.
This inspired the Early Years team to develop an international collaboration between the Birthing a Better Future Art & Science Exhibition project by Zero2 Expo, UK, and the PANChSHEEEL Project, India, lead by Professor Monica Lakhanpaul, in partnership with DBT/ Wellcome Trust India Alliance (India Alliance), Dr Kartik Sharma of Public Arts Health & Us (PAHUS) who was also the project co-lead, to raise awareness on child health in India.